A Vision Board Changed My Life
Our thoughts and feelings create our life. We must consciously understand our thoughts to be able to change and improve the quality of our life. We often begin to believe that our thoughts and feelings of the world around us and ourselves are real and fixed, once they repetitively enter our mind. However, our thoughts and feelings aren’t definitive, and it is up to us to change them. We can reshape our thoughts in order to attain a positive, growth mindset to allow us to live a happier, more fulfilling life. If we force ourselves to face our vision daily, it will be easier to incorporate changes into our life.
The Secret poses some good points based around the law of attraction. I believe it goes a bit overboard, but I truly do believe in the philosophy that thoughts become things. The popular movie, The Secret, focuses on this law. The belief is around the idea that if you ask the universe for something, truly view it as feasible and have already acquired it, it will manifest into your life. The law of attraction focuses on leaving the work up to the Universe, and to have faith.
A few things to strip away from the “law of attraction”, is that you have already acquired it. Studies have shown that if you view that you have already achieved your goal, then your motivation and energy decreases. I also wouldn’t put all the weight of a goal on an outer force, such as the universe. Take ownership of your goal, and be confident in yourself that you will achieve it. The beginning of any goal is to first think it. This is so easily comprehensible, but we often disregard some of our thoughts and goals because we somehow feel inadequate to accomplish it. Seeing your goals and dreams on a board forces you face the challenges daily.
Last year, I created a vision board with images of goals, quotes, and symbols that represented who I wanted to be. I began to see my life change. I had an A+ on my vision board, which I looked at every single day. I ended my semester with 4 A’s and an A-. I was able to see the power of visualization working in my life. Not only in my academics, I began to eat healthier and exercise regularly. The supportive and inspiring quotes helped my confidence grow in all areas of my life. This vision board started my curiosity for personal growth, and my deep fascination with how our minds work.
I renewed this board in the fall, and kept the A+ image. This spring, I received A, A+, A+. I only enrolled in three classes this semester for more time to work on this site, and be more involved in two clubs I am in, as well as a part-time job. Still, I thought the A+ on my board would be too difficult to achieve, and was proud enough with my previous spring semester of straight A’s. Yet, I received two in the same semester!
This board allowed me to visualize my ideal life and self. It is amazing what you can achieve when you begin to visualize and take actions to support these thoughts. Too often I believe we strip ourselves of the opportunity to change, because we take it on as a mental burden. Many people turn to addictions or other outlets, to not have to face the changes they really would want to see in their life. If we don’t think about it, it doesn’t bother us. But the days sneak up on us where our mind wants to think about it, and we feel overwhelmed with sadness about the changes we haven’t made. If we continue this cycle, we remove the opportunity for true happiness in our life.
To first make the changes in our life, we have to set clear goals and visions. We have to believe in ourselves, fully. This isn’t to say, “Don’t ever doubt yourself.” It’s human nature to do so, but when your mind falls into that thought bring yourself back to positivity.
Dream big, because what is there to fear? If you fail, you learned and grew in the process. And if you succeed, well what a wondrous adventure that would be.
Once you begin to reach your goals, self-reflect. This is important to determine if what you are searching for is making you truly happy and feel purposeful. Self-reflection is the key to personal growth. To make changes in our life, we must become fully aware. Many times we push our problems to the side, saving another day to deal with them. The problems continue to grow, and become an even bigger issue to deal with. We have to be aware and proactive to change the things in life that weigh us down.
The only person that can hold you back is you. Doubt, disappointment, and embarrassment are all figments of your own imagination. When you feel an impulse to do something, you must act on it. The only real disappointment would be to not reach for your dreams.
We can’t have control over other people and all events that happen, but we can control how we think and feel about those things. We may be dealing with hardships, but we can allow them to empower us rather than defeat us. This is one of the most beautiful tricks that I have come to learn. Through any difficult time, we have something to learn. Find the lesson, and allow it to impact your life positively.
Only you have the opportunity to create your own happiness. Happiness lies within who you are: your thoughts, feelings, and actions. It is your sense of peace with who you are and the world that surrounds you. I urge you to spend some time today to self-reflect on how you want to feel. Begin thinking about and planning for amazing things to happen in your life.
Go to the store, and purchase a large poster board. Return home, and look online for images that represent the person you want to be. Print the images, and glue/tape them on to the poster. Ta da! You are on your way to becoming a better version of yourself. Remember to look at the board frequently, and take actions that will get you to your goals. Becoming aware and focusing on what you want is your first step!